Monday, August 27, 2018

Welcome to the Editor's Note

Welcome to the Editor's Note

I'm your editor, Mitch

On this blog, which will likely have only a few important posts, I will be explaining the editing services I have available on offer to you, the writer, author, wordsmith, poet/poetess, etc.

I found some time ago that I have a great eye for catching minor mistakes in written works, and I love fixing things, so becoming an editor seemed like a perfect opportunity. I specialize in proofreading and line editing, though I might one day include copy editing as well.

Anyhow, I work quickly and am happy to meet a deadline if you need it.

I tend to combine the proofreading and line editing processes into one big editing whirlwind, because they're pretty easy to accomplish simultaneously.

I charge $.003 per word, or $3 for a thousand words.

I read just about any genre, and thus, I edit anything you'll send my way. I've already edited erotica, romance, suspense, and horror. These have ranged from short stories of roughly three thousand words, all the way up to a one hundred and forty thousand word novel. I'm up for anything, all I ask is that you don't ask me to edit your three hundred thousand word epic in two days.

I've also recently started a blurb writing service for authors, because many authors detest the blurb. It's probably because they already wrote the whole story and it sucks having to go back through and condense it down to a paragraph or two to go on Amazon or the back cover. But, I'm pretty good at it. Blurbs cost $15.

I'm available through Facebook Messenger (Mitch Workman) and Twitter (@MR_WallaceBooks) at pretty much all hours of the day and night.

Stories for editing can be sent to

The same email also goes to my PayPal, through which I will accept your payments.

So, get out there and make a creative mess, and I'll be right along behind you to tidy it up for you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking for a new proofreader. I won't have anything that far along until January. How hard is it to get on your editing schedule? I haven't started writing my next books, so I'm unsure how quickly they'll go. The next three will be approximately 40,000 words each. Sci-fi erotic romance and fantasy romance.
